Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Fault in Our Stars. And The Reason I Don't Pre-order.

So John Green has to sign 2,000 books a day for about 75 days or sommat like that. That's because he promised that every pre-ordered book would be personally signed by him.
Well, as much as I want John to sign my book, I regret to say that I find the book would be worth less to me if he signed it in the pre-assembly stage than if I were to take it to a Nerdfighter gathering to be signed in person, as well as my copies of 'Looking for Alaska', 'Paper Towns', 'Abundance of Katherines', 'Will Grayson, Will Grayson', and my copies of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman and the 'Catcher in the Rye' by J.D. Salinger (reason being for the last two is that they have specific meaning in two of John's books. Also, their true authors are deceased. Walt Whitman isn't in the position to sign my book.).
Also, I love bookstores. And I look forward to going into a bookstore in order to get the new book the day it comes out, rather than thanking the UPS guy who brings it to my door. In fact, while I get my book, I want to go to the Cafe at my Barnes & Noble and get a nice cup of coffee and start reading it right there.
Atmosphere is really important in my life. You should see my room. There are paper cranes hanging from the ceiling and a big Chinese lantern and everything.
But yeah. That's why I'm going to drive all the way to Barnes & Noble the day it comes out, even if there is a possibility that they might not have a copy left. Even though that would kill me.
I just don't pre-order books.
I stake out bookstores.
P.S. Happy Esther Day! I love...all of you :)
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